As any marketer busy with content marketing can tell you, sometimes it’s tough to come up with new ideas for blog posts. This is particularly true if you’ve set up a posting schedule that has you making multiple posts a week, but even those bloggers that only post once a week are eventually going to run into a brick wall when it comes to new topics to write about. It’s just the nature of the beast.
Everyone has different methods for dealing with writer’s block or a lack of ideas, and we wanted to share one of our favorites with you today to help you keep up your blogging momentum even when you think you have nothing to write about. This tip works for those that have already built up a blog following as well as those that are just starting out or don’t get much in the way of reader interaction on their blogs.
Content marketing for your business is all about providing valuable, useful information. What better way to do that than by answering questions? If one person is asking a question, it’s a safe bet that there are other people out there with the same question that just haven’t gotten around to voicing it yet or didn’t know where or who to ask. And if more than one person is asking the question, you know you’ve got a good topic that should bring in some traffic if you play your cards right.
Blogs that have a decent following or get a decent amount of reader interaction can easily do a Q&A where readers ask questions in the comments or email them in, Dear Abby style, but there are other ways to find questions to answer, and it starts by hitting up Google to look for forums related to your niche or industry.
Forums are about discussion, and if you’ve spent any time on one, you know that people use them to ask questions all the time. To create a new blog post with a fresh topic, all you need to do is find someone asking a question, and then answer it. Some forums have specific areas designated for asking questions, or you can try searching the forum for phrases like “need help,” “question about,” “newbie here,” and “help me.” If the question has already been answered on the forum, that’s okay – this is about getting the idea. If it hasn’t been answered, though, you may want to consider giving a brief answer on the forum yourself and telling them they can find more info about it on your blog – just make sure linking to your blog within the body of a forum post is within the rules for that particular forum.
This same approach also works with other blogs, Yahoo! Answers, and just general searching via Google, as well. When you use this method of finding inspiration, you’ll not only get an idea to write about, but you’ll be sure that the information is actually valuable, because you know someone is already looking for it.
Arik Benari
Owner, BenariLaw
Dan Stockmann
Owner, Stockmann Law
Jackson Madnick
CEO, Pearls Premium
Craig Rovere
VP Marketing, All Metals Forge Group
Todd M. Grant
Vice President of Marketing, LogicBay